Preparing for Wednesday's Always Held 8 Week Class
Hey Guys.
You'll want to have this made and ready for Wednesday's class, starting at 12:30 - 1:30. If you have not yet registered your e-mail address, do so here.
Take a moment and watch this video to make your own "InBodied Experience Masterpiece." This should only take about 10 min. - Actually, unless you are moving super slow, which we all should be, give it 15 min.
Materials you will need;
- Two pieces of ribbon or twine - 1st piece long enough to wrap around your head and be tied. 2nd piece long enough to go from your head to your pubic bone.
- Scissors to cut the twine
- Eight index cards
- Pen or pencil
- Tape to attach index cards to the ribbon
- And lastly, an adventurous attitude (wink wink)
Assembly steps
- Measure and cut the twine.
- Attach the front string to your headband string.
- Prepare your index cards with the eight headers below.
- Mind, Speech, Impulse to relate, Emotions, Breathes, Sensations, Past, and Future.
- Draw a line down the center of your cards with the left side reading RAW and the right side reading HELD.
4. Tape them to your front string in the order listed above, starting at the top with, mind.
5. You should end up looking like this. (Looking good baby!)
I'll see you guys on Wednesday. I'll try and have the handout ready to print by Wednesday morning. Much love
Carried (In) Christ - Live Practice Pay-As-You-Go